Friday, February 21, 2014

External files CMD/ST3... sadness.

If you created your app with Sencha Command then you should not edit index.html. Instead you should add JS files to the js property of app.json.

This is like, annoying at best.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sencha Touch is different from ExtJS

I've done Extjs4 for awhile and thought ST2 would be the same way. In fact, I've even built an app with ST2. Turns out I didn't know a few basic things.

One of them is that classes take a config object. This is important! My form just kept on never displaying because I was used to putting fields on the class itself not in the form object.

Also, scaffolds are very very useful. Use them!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

jakarta mapping

to get the apache server to redirect to tomcat,
(to find it, run locate httpd.conf)
and run apachectl -k restart